Main ring of the Padre Anchieta Footbridge

During the night of last Tuesday, February 18th, the main ring of the Padre Anchieta Footbridge, located in San Cristóbal de La Laguna, Tenerife, was closed. Despite the complex geometry of the pedestrian ring, the fit of the last piece with what was already built was almost perfect. When its construction is completed, scheduled for September 2025, the footbridge way will solve the connection of the multiple accesses necessary to the different spaces and buildings of the University of La Laguna existing in the surroundings. The Padre Anchieta Footbridge, designed by FHECOR, was the winner in the competition promoted by the Tenerife Cabildo in 2018, and is being built by OHLA as main contractor and MEGUSA as steel workshop, with FHECOR and TRAZAS Ingeniería as supervisor on site.

Start of the launching of the Bridge Over La Malata Inlet

On January 31, the first phase of the launching operation—out of a total of four—of the bridge over La Malata Inlet was successfully completed. This is a steel truss bridge consisting of seven spans and measuring 396 meters in length, designed by Fhecor as part of the construction works for the railway access to the outer port of Ferrol (A Coruña, Spain). Fhecor is responsible for the launching engineering design as well as the supervision of all operations.

Fhecor wishes you Happy Holidays and a Prosperous New Year 2025

Another year has passed, and we want to celebrate with you the progress and milestones achieved in 2024.
This time, we would like to share a unique experience: a virtual exhibition of high-level photographs. This initiative stems from our desire to highlight the beauty and effort behind each engineering masterpiece.
In this exhibition, our Fhecor colleagues have captured photographs, both of our own projects and others that inspire us, showcasing the grandeur and intricate details of work that often goes unnoticed.
To host this exhibition, we have chosen a special building, which, although it was never constructed, finds its place here as a symbolic space to bring this experience to life.
May this holiday season be filled with joy, creativity, and innovation. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a New Year full of success and new opportunities.
With our best wishes,

The Fhecor Team

Visita a Ávila y Carrera de las Empresas 2024

Como todos los años, los trabajadores de Fhecor nos hemos reunido para despedir el año y realizar una jornada técnico-cultural-gastronómica. Este año el destino elegido ha sido Ávila. Hemos visitado la Catedral, la Basílica de los Santos Vicente, Sabina y Cristeta y el Embalse de Fuentes Claras. Durante la visita guiada, nuestros compañeros Julio Sánchez, Leonardo Todisco, Javier León, Benedetta Orfeo, José Soriano y Daniel Martín, nos ayudaron con sus explicaciones a poder entender cómo se construyeron estas impresionantes edificaciones. Además, el domingo 15 volvimos a participar en la 'Carrera de las Empresas 2024'. Se trata de una clásica carrera de Navidad con equipos formados por compañeros de cientos de empresas diferentes. Nuestra empresa estuvo representada por 43 participantes. Mención especial para el equipo formado por José Soriano, Moreno y Mirko Russo por su segundo puesto en el 10K 3 Masculina ¡Enhorabuena! Orgullosos del gran índice de participación de nuestro personal en estas actividades, que nos ayudan a estrechar nuestros lazos como equipo y a mejorar nuestra confianza mutua. Fhecor os desea unas felices fiestas y un próspero año 2025

Fhecor has successfully completed the Sustainable Suppliers Training Program 2024.

FHECOR INGENIEROS CONSULTORES, S.A. has successfully completed the Sustainable Suppliers Training Program 2024 conducted by the United Nations Global Compact Spain. Through this program, we have expanded our knowledge on sustainability topics such as the 10 Principles of the Global Compact, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Human Rights, Equality, Diversity, Anti-Corruption, Carbon Footprint, and more. Additionally, we have gained new resources to continue advancing the implementation of sustainable measures and to meet the requirements of our clients as well as the applicable regulations in the field of corporate sustainability.

New Contract for the Comprehensive Renovation of the Granada-Almería Line

On November 13, we signed a new contract with the Railway Infrastructure Administrator (ADIF) as part of a joint venture with INGEROP T3, S.L.U., and Centro de Estudios de Materiales y Control de Obra, S.A. (CEMOSA). The contract involves drafting construction projects for the renovation of the Granada-Almería section. Lot 1 focuses on the Granada-Iznalloz segment, with an execution period of 24 months. The work will involve drafting the construction project to define the details of the works to be carried out and the execution process. This level of development will enable the contracting and implementation of works between Granada (PK 56/417) and Iznalloz (PK 23/696) on the Granada-Moreda Line 416. The renovation will include improvements to all infrastructure elements, enhancing performance and increasing the competitiveness of this connection. This will allow for higher freight train capacity, accommodating trains up to 750 meters in length. Regarding existing structures in this section, there are eight concrete bridges, three masonry bridges, and three metal bridges. Additionally, adjustments will be made to both the vertical and horizontal clearances of 17 overpasses. This new contract adds to FHECOR's extensive experience in the field of railway infrastructure.

Fhecor ha inscrito su huella de carbono organizacional

Nos complace anunciar que el Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (MITERD) ha resuelto positivamente nuestra solicitud de inscripción en el Registro de huella de carbono, compensación y proyectos de absorción de dióxido de carbono y nos ha hecho entrega del correspondiente sello y certificado. Para completar esta inscripción ha sido necesario establecer objetivos de reducción futuros junto a un plan de mejora que incluye una serie de acciones a implementar en los próximos dos años. La Dirección de FHECOR considera este hecho un paso importante para la organización ya que consolida su compromiso con la sostenibilidad y la reducción de nuestro impacto ambiental y además fortalece nuestra reputación y relación con otras partes interesadas como grandes clientes que cada vez demandan más y ponen mayor énfasis en este tipo de cuestiones para seleccionar a sus proveedores.

José Romo at the university fo La Laguna

Our CEO, José Romo, delivered a masterclass at the University of La Laguna (ULL) and the Vocational Training center, attended by over 200 Civil Engineering and Technical Architecture students, on the design of the Grand Pedestrian Ring of Padre Anchieta. The event was attended by the president of the Cabildo de Tenerife, the Rector of the University of La Laguna, other municipal authorities, and the regional manager of OHLA in the Canary Islands, the company responsible for executing this project. At FHECOR, we would like to thank the Cabildo de Tenerife and the University of La Laguna for this great opportunity. Find the URL here

Inauguration of the Pago De Enmedio viaduct in La Rinconada (Seville)

Last week, the viaduct of Pago de Enmedio, located in the Sevillian municipality of La Rinconada, was inaugurated. This viaduct is part of the A-8009 Northern Access Highway to Seville. FHECOR, together with VSING INNOVA 2016, S.L., was commissioned by the Andalusian Government to draft the Alternatives Study, design and size the structure, and develop the acoustic protection and lighting elements of the viaduct, as part of the project prepared by the Andalusian Public Works Agency. It is estimated that this project will benefit more than 100,000 residents of Seville and the surrounding areas. The construction involved two pairs of twin viaducts (2 on the south side measuring 590 meters and 2 on the north side measuring 178 meters) and new connection branches to the northern roundabout, which links with the northern perimeter road of the urban development of Pago de Enmedio, in the Municipality of La Rinconada, approximately 5 km from Seville. At FHECOR Ingenieros Consultores, we are grateful for the trust placed in us and proud to have been part of this project that will help improve mobility between the capital and the northern region of the province of Seville.

Inauguration of the bridge over the Virilla river in Costa Rica

On October 11th, the bridge over the Virilla River on National Route 32 in Costa Rica was opened to traffic following rehabilitation and reinforcement works carried out over the past few months. The bridge has been renamed as the Ricardo Saprissa Aymá Bridge. National Route 32 is one of the country's main roads, connecting San José with Limón, Costa Rica's main port on the Caribbean, with an estimated traffic of between 25,000 and 30,000 vehicles daily. The project and construction were managed by the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS), on behalf of the National Road Council (CONAVI). The solution, designed by FHECOR and executed by the consortium Grupo Puentes-Meco, includes the structural rehabilitation and expansion of the bridge deck, increasing the road’s capacity to the current two lanes, with the possibility of future expansion to three lanes. The bridge, originally built in the 1980s, has a total length of 285 meters, divided into 7 spans. It consists of a main bridge in the 3 central spans made of prestressed concrete segments with post-tensioned reinforcements, constructed using the balanced cantilever method, with a maximum span of 82.8 meters. The approach spans on both sides are made of double-T concrete beams. The structure exhibited various durability issues, combined with a general decrease in the strength of the concrete structural elements. Additionally, it was vulnerable to seismic events as it was not designed to meet modern seismic standards. The executed solution includes the expansion and reinforcement of the main bridge through the installation of a new external post-tensioning system and the strengthening of the post-tensioned box girder using carbon fiber fabrics on both sides. The approach spans, made of post-tensioned beams, have been replaced by new spans of the same type. To improve the structure’s seismic performance, the foundations and the lower sections of the piers have been reinforced, and new abutments have been constructed on both ends. Additionally, expansion joints were eliminated, and bearing devices were replaced. FHECOR was responsible for the design of the reinforcement and expansion, as well as for providing technical support to UNOPS throughout the project. Link to the video presentation of the works
