B2P - San Vicente Footbridge
Santa Maria de Pantasma, Nicaragua
Structural typology Pedestrian Bridges
Date March, 2018
Owner Comunidad de Santa María de Pantasma (Jinotega)
Construction Fhecor - Weston & Sampson - B2P - Comunidad de Santa Maria de Pantasma
FHECOR was the only spanish company to collaborate with B2P for second year in a row. In this occasion, we could share our experience with the North-American company WESTON&SAMPSON. In this project both companies participated as partners, providing a total amount of 50,000 $ (USD) for the developing of the project and the materials; and 10 people of their staff (5 per company) to form the team that travelled to Nicaragua to build the footbridge. Additionally, the whole team received the necessary IPE (Individual protection Equipment) and all the material for the inaugural day (T-shirts, banner...).

The 68m-span suspension footbridge, located at Jinotega province, links the Councils of Santa María de Pantasma and El Cuá. The new structure spans the Gusanera river waterway and allows the connection between the communities of San Vicente, Pita Abajo, Los Laureles, Pita el Carmen y Valle de los Orozcos. Around 4,000 people will be benefit from the communities above; so the communication problems and the risks of the people than crosses the river daily are reduced. Therefore this project achieves the objective of activating social and economic development of the area.
© Weston&Sampson
In the course of the construction, the local communities were actively involved in the activities. The construction itself was an event for the entire community so there were always eagers (children and adults) around the bridge site. Due to the interest of the people, a visit to the local school of San Vicente was arranged to explain to the children our mission in their community.
In order to receive more information regarding this project, the construction process and the daily work on site, you can access to the blog in the website www.sanvicentefootbridge.com
© Weston&Sampson
FHECOR was the only spanish company to collaborate with B2P for second year in a row. In this occasion, we could share our experience with the North-American company WESTON&SAMPSON. In this project both companies participated as partners, providing a total amount of 50,000 $ (USD) for the developing of the project and the materials; and 10 people of their staff (5 per company) to form the team that travelled to Nicaragua to build the footbridge. Additionally, the whole team received the necessary IPE (Individual protection Equipment) and all the material for the inaugural day (T-shirts, banner...).

The 68m-span suspension footbridge, located at Jinotega province, links the Councils of Santa María de Pantasma and El Cuá. The new structure spans the Gusanera river waterway and allows the connection between the communities of San Vicente, Pita Abajo, Los Laureles, Pita el Carmen y Valle de los Orozcos. Around 4,000 people will be benefit from the communities above; so the communication problems and the risks of the people than crosses the river daily are reduced. Therefore this project achieves the objective of activating social and economic development of the area.
In the course of the construction, the local communities were actively involved in the activities. The construction itself was an event for the entire community so there were always eagers (children and adults) around the bridge site. Due to the interest of the people, a visit to the local school of San Vicente was arranged to explain to the children our mission in their community.

In order to receive more information regarding this project, the construction process and the daily work on site, you can access to the blog in the website www.sanvicentefootbridge.com
© Weston&Sampson
B2P - San Vicente Footbridge
Santa Maria de Pantasma, Nicaragua
Structural typology Pedestrian Bridges
Date March, 2018
Owner Comunidad de Santa María de Pantasma (Jinotega)
Construction Fhecor - Weston & Sampson - B2P - Comunidad de Santa Maria de Pantasma
Scope Detailed design and construction monitoring
FHECOR was the only spanish company to collaborate with B2P for second year in a row. In this occasion, we could share our experience with the North-American company WESTON&SAMPSON. In this project both companies participated as partners, providing a total amount of 50,000 $ (USD) for the developing of the project and the materials; and 10 people of their staff (5 per company) to form the team that travelled to Nicaragua to build the footbridge. Additionally, the whole team received the necessary IPE (Individual protection Equipment) and all the material for the inaugural day (T-shirts, banner...).

The 68m-span suspension footbridge, located at Jinotega province, links the Councils of Santa María de Pantasma and El Cuá. The new structure spans the Gusanera river waterway and allows the connection between the communities of San Vicente, Pita Abajo, Los Laureles, Pita el Carmen y Valle de los Orozcos. Around 4,000 people will be benefit from the communities above; so the communication problems and the risks of the people than crosses the river daily are reduced. Therefore this project achieves the objective of activating social and economic development of the area.

In the course of the construction, the local communities were actively involved in the activities. The construction itself was an event for the entire community so there were always eagers (children and adults) around the bridge site. Due to the interest of the people, a visit to the local school of San Vicente was arranged to explain to the children our mission in their community.

In order to receive more information regarding this project, the construction process and the daily work on site, you can access to the blog in the website www.sanvicentefootbridge.com
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